Page 334 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 334

Section I

                                         Q#              Q                 Indicator/Intent     Suggested Rephrase and Tips          Other Notes
                                         13    I’d like to know about   The proportion of people   *If the person does paid or
                                               the amount of time you   who are satisfied with their   unpaid work in the community
                                               spend at the day      job and/or day program or   as part of the day program, ask
                                               program or sheltered   workshop                 this question specifically about
                                               workshop.                                       the amount of time spent at
                                                                                               the day program (not the time
                                                                                               spent working in the

                                         14    Do you take classes or   The proportion of people                          This should be an organized activity
                                               training to help you get a  who take part in activities to                 (e.g., going to school, jobs skills classes,
                                               job in the community,   improve job opportunities                          or working with a co-worker to improve
                                               get a better job, or do                                                    skills). This should be occurring or have
                                               better at the job you                                                      been completed in the recent past
                                               have now?                                                                  (within a year). Training efforts that
                                                                                                                          were completed a long time ago should
                                                                                                                          not be recorded as a ‘yes’.
                                         15    Now we’re going to talk   Person-centered service                          This question is trying to determine
                                               about learning new    planning                                             whether individuals are encouraged to
                                               things. Do you get help                                                    explore new activities or hobbies (e.g.,
                                               to learn new things?                                                       take part in “life-long learning”)
                                                                                                                          New question 2018-19

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