Page 339 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 339

Section I

 Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Suggested Rephrase and Tips   Other Notes

 19   Do you have friends you   The proportion of people      Follow up 'yes' responses to determine
 like to talk to or do   who have friends and   if friends include staff and/or family
 things with?    relationships with people   only or if they include other people as
 other than support staff and   well.
 family members

 20   Do you have a best   The proportion of people      This can include staff or family.
 friend or someone you   who have a best friend.
 are really close to? (Is
 there someone you can
 talk to about personal
 things?) Can include staff
 or family member
 21   Do you want more help   The proportion of people   Do you talk with your friends
 to make new friends or   who want more help to   enough?
 keep in contact with   create or maintain   Would you like to meet new
 your friends?    relationships   people?

 22   Can you see your friends   The proportion of people   Are there times you cannot see  A 'no' or 'sometimes' response is
 when you want to? (Can   who are able to see or keep   your friends?   applicable for any reason including
 you meet up with your   contact with their friends and   conflicting schedules.
 friends when you want   family when they want

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