Page 344 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 344
Section I
Q# Q Indicator/Intent Suggested Rephrase and Tips Other Notes
29 Do you get to do the The proportion of people Do you get to do [things person For both Q28 and Q29, we are looking
things you like to do as who do things in their likes to do] as much as you for activities the person should
much as you want to? community as often as they want? reasonably be able to take part in. If
want the person cannot always take part in
activities due to financial constraints,
this question should be marked 'no'.
30 When you are at home, The proportion of people Do you ever get bored at If the person says 'no', the surveyor
do you have enough satisfied with where they live home? should follow up to determine how
things you like to do? Whether people have often the person does not have enough
(Do you have things to enough to do when they are to do at home.
do so you are not bored not working or at a day
at home?) program/workshop
31 Sometimes people need Proportion of people who Used in conjunction with
help with things like need support for ADLs. question in BI section about
getting dressed, taking a Goals in Service Plan to assess
shower, brushing their whether people are supported
teeth, etc. Do you ever to achieve their person-
need help with these? centered goals.
32 Do you want to learn to Proportion of people who Used in conjunction with
do more of this for want to do more everyday question in BI section about
yourself? (or on your activities (ADLs) for Goals in Service Plan to assess
own?) themselves. whether people are supported
to achieve their person-
centered goals.