Page 341 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 341

Section I

 Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Suggested Rephrase and Tips   Other Notes

 23   If no or sometimes, why   The proportion of people   This question only allows for one
 can’t you see your   who are able to see or keep   answer selection; code it based on the
 friends when you want   contact with their friends and   most frequent reason the person is not
 to?   family when they want   able to see friends.

 What additional supports
 people need to keep better
 contact with friends

 24   Do you have other ways   The proportion of people   Can you talk to your friends on   This can include any social media
 of talking, chatting or   who are able to see or keep   the phone or on email, or   connection with friends.
 communicating with   contact with their friends and  maybe Facebook?
 your friends when you   family when they want
 cannot see them? (Like
 Whether people are able to
 over the phone, through   talk to their friends even if
 email, texting,   they cannot see their friends
 messaging, etc.?)
 25   Can you go on a date if   The proportion of people   “Can you go out with a person   Unless the person is married or living
 you want to?    who can go out on a date if   who is special to you?”   with their partner, all responses may
 they want   *Do not assume someone’s   need follow-up. There are two “yes”
 sexuality (e.g., do not ask   responses based on level of restriction;
 specifically if the person has or   a “no” response should be followed up
                          to determine whether the person does
 can have a boyfriend or
 girlfriend).             not date because they are not allowed
                          to or by choice (the latter would be
                          coded as NA).

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