Page 342 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 342

Section I

                                         Q#              Q                 Indicator/Intent     Suggested Rephrase and Tips          Other Notes
                                         26    Do you ever feel lonely?   The proportion of people   *Try to distinguish between   This question has ‘yes, often’ and ‘yes,
                                               (Do you ever feel like   who feel lonely        feeling lonely (not having close   sometimes’ response options; if the
                                               you don’t have anyone                           relationships or someone to   person says they do feel lonely,
                                               to talk to?)                                    talk to) and feeling bored   surveyors should follow up to
                                                                                               (there is nothing to do).   determine how often the person feels
                                         27    Can you see and/or    The proportion of people   Can you talk to your family   If the surveyor knows from previous
                                               communicate with your   who are able to see or keep   when you want to?    conversation that the person does not
                                               family when you want   contact with their friends and                      have contact with the family, the
                                               to? (Can you pick the   family when they want                              question can be marked ‘NA’;
                                               times you see them?   Whether people are able to                           alternatively, code as ‘yes’ if it can be
                                               Does someone help you   talk to or see their family                        distinguished that the person chooses
                                               make plans to see                                                          not to have contact.
                                               them?)                                                                     This question is not asked to those

                                                                                                                          living in the family home.
                                                                               COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION AND LEISURE

                                         28    Are you able to go out   The proportion of people   What kind of things do you like   Prior to asking this question, surveyors
                                               and do the things you   who do the things they like to  to do when you're not home?   should follow the prompt in the survey
                                               like to do?           do in their community     Are you able to do those   to inquire about the things/activities
                                                                                               things?                    (outside of the home) the person likes
                                                                                                                          to do.

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