Page 348 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 348
Section I
Q# Q Indicator/Intent Suggested Rephrase and Tips Other Notes
36 Can you use the phone The proportion of people Like Q33, this question is not about
and Internet when you whose basic rights are whether the person has a phone or
want to? respected by others Internet access but whether the person
can use these freely. If the person only
has one, ask about that mode of
If there are rules that restrict a person
from having a phone or browsing the
internet, the question should be coded
Prior to 2015-16, this question was in
Section II.
37 Do you have a cell phone Proportion of people who
or smart phone? have their own cell phone or
smart phone.
38 If no, do you want a cell Proportion of people who do
phone or smart phone? not have their own cell
phone or smart phone and
want one.
39 If you do not have a cell Reasons people cannot or do Check all that apply.
phone or smart phone not own a cell phone or
but you would like one, smart phone (if person wants
why don’t you have one)