Page 351 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 351

Section I

 Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Suggested Rephrase and Tips   Other Notes

 40   Have you met or spoken   The proportion of people   *Refer to PS-2 for name of
 with your case   who have met their service   case manager/service
 manager/service   coordinators   coordinator

 41   Does your case   The proportion of people   Does your case manager ask
 manager/service   whose case manager/service   what services or supports
 coordinator ask you   coordinators ask them what   would help you?
 what you want? (Does   they want   Does your case manager ask
 your case
 what is important to you?
 *Refer to PS-2 for name of
 coordinator ask what is
 case manager/service
 important to you?)
 42   Are you able to contact   The proportion of people   Can you talk to your case   This question is asking about the
 your case   who are able to get in   manager/service coordinator   responsiveness of case managers.
 manager/service   contact with their case   when you want to?
 coordinator when you   manager/service coordinator
 want to?

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