Page 354 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 354

Section I

                                         Q#              Q                 Indicator/Intent     Suggested Rephrase and Tips          Other Notes
                                         46    Did the service planning   The proportion of people
                                               meeting include the   who took an active part in
                                               people you wanted to be  their last service planning
                                               there?                meeting

                                         47    Do you have a service   Proportion of people who   *Use the state-specific   Even if you know that the person has a
                                               plan? (Do you have a list   have a service plan   terminology for service plan   service plan (for example, if everyone
                                               of services your case                                                      receiving supports has a service plan),
                                               manager/service                                                            be sure to record the response given by
                                               coordinator will help you                                                  the person.
                                         48    Do you remember what   Person-centered service
                                               is in your service plan?   planning

                                         49    Does your service plan   Person-centered service   Does the service plan include
                                               include things that are   planning              the things you want?
                                               important to you?

                                         50    Were you able to choose  The proportion of people   Did you choose what services
                                               the services that you get   who took an active part in   would help you?
                                               as part of your service   their last service planning
                                               plan?                 meeting
                                         51    If you want to change   Person-centered service   If you want to change a service
                                               something about your   planning                 you get, who would you talk
                                               services, do you know                           to?
                                               whom to ask?

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