Page 357 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 357
Section I
Q# Q Indicator/Intent Suggested Rephrase and Tips Other Notes
52 Do you have staff who Whether the person has staff *Refer to PS-6 for name of
help you? (For example, who help at home, work, or staff
at your home, job, or at their day
day program?) program/workshop
53 Do your staff treat you The proportion of people Are staff nice to you? If the person has staff who help in
with respect? (Do they whose support staff treat *Refer to PS-6 for name of more than one setting (e.g., home and
listen and talk to you?) them with respect staff day), ask about staff in all settings.
54 Do your staff come and The proportion of people Do staff come and go on time? If the person has staff who help in
leave when they are whose support workers come *Refer to PS-6 for name of more than one setting (e.g., home and
supposed to? (Do they and leave when they are staff day), ask about staff in all settings.
show up on time? Do supposed to
they show up when they
say they will? Do they
leave when they are
supposed to?)
55 Do you have a way to The proportion of people Are you always able to get to Surveyors should read examples (work,
get places you need to who have adequate your work/day program/doctor doctors, etc.) and ensure the person
go (like work, transportation appointments on time? understands this question is about
appointments, etc.)? Whether the person gets Can you leave those places places they have to go (where they
(Can you get a ride when have schedules, appointments, etc.)
places they need to go when you are ready?
you need one?)