Page 361 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 361
Section I
Q# Q Indicator/Intent Suggested Rephrase and Tips Other Notes
(Please review instructions below and clarify if needed)
58 SURVEYOR, in your Whether any questions were This question must be answered. It
opinion, did the understood and answered in determines whether Section I will be
individual appear to a valid way by the person used for analysis.
understand questions This question should only be marked
that were answered, and
no if the person was not able to answer
did they answer in a any of the questions in this section.
consistent manner? (Do
If the person answered even one
you feel his/her
question in a manner the surveyor feels
responses were valid?)
is valid (the person understood and
Of the questions that gave a clear response), Section I should
were answered for be marked valid and this question
Section I, did you feel should be marked ‘yes’. If only a few
questions were answered, the
the person understood
the questions and was remainder can be left blank or coded
able to respond? ‘99-Don’t know, no response, unclear
response’ and this question should still
(Reminder – if responses
were unclear they be marked ‘yes’.
should be coded as ‘99’)