Page 358 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 358

Section I

                                         Q#              Q                 Indicator/Intent     Suggested Rephrase and Tips          Other Notes
                                         56    Are you able to get   The proportion of people   When you make plans to meet   This question is intended to find out
                                               places when you want to  who have adequate      friends, can you always meet   whether people have reliable
                                               do something outside   transportation           on time?                   transportation when they want to do
                                               your home, like going                                                      something outside of the home (this
                                                                     Whether the person gets   Can you get home whenever
                                               out to see friends, for   places they want to go   you want?               may include going out for fun, meeting
                                               entertainment, or to do                                                    friends, running errands, etc.)
                                               something fun? (Can you
                                               get a ride when you
                                               want one?)

                                         57    Are services and      The proportion of people   Do services and supports help   This question refers to all services and
                                               supports helping you to   who feel services and   you do what you want?    supports received by the individual.
                                               live a good life?     supports help them to have a   *Try to shift the conversation
                                                                     good life
                                                                                               back to discussing all services
                                                                                               (not just transportation).

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