Page 352 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 352

Section I

                                         Q#              Q                 Indicator/Intent     Suggested Rephrase and Tips          Other Notes
                                         43    Usually, people’s     The proportion of people   Were you at your last planning   Trying to assess whether people
                                               services get reviewed or   who participated in their last   meeting?       attended the meeting (or had an option
                                               looked over once a year.   service planning meeting                        and chose not to), and if the person
                                               This often happens at a                                                    participated in the meeting.
                                               service planning meeting
                                               with your case
                                               coordinator. Did you
                                               take part in the last
                                               service planning

                                         44    At the service planning   The proportion of people   Did people use terms you   This question is assessing both whether
                                               meeting, did you know   who took an active part in   understand?           the meeting was held in the person’s
                                               what was being talked   their last service planning   Did people explain things you   preferred language and in words the
                                               about? (Did they use   meeting                  did not know?              person understood.
                                               words you understood?
                                                                                               Was the meeting held in the
                                               Did they have the
                                                                                               language you understand best?
                                               meeting in your
                                               preferred language?)                            Was a translator/interpreter

                                         45    At your service planning   Person-centered service   Did you talk about taking
                                               meeting, did you talk   planning                classes?
                                               about learning new                              Did you talk with someone
                                               things?                                         about learning more at work
                                                                                               (or at the day program)?

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