Page 326 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 326

Section I

                                         Q#              Q                 Indicator/Intent     Suggested Rephrase and Tips          Other Notes

                                         1     Do you like your home   The proportion of people
                                               or where you live? (Do   satisfied with where they live
                                               you like living here?)
                                         2     If In-between or No:   The proportion of people   What would you change about   Check all that apply.
                                               What don’t you like   satisfied with where they live  where you live?      Do not read the list of options; instead,
                                               about where you live?                                                      let the person answer and then code
                                                                     What factors make people
                                                                     not like their home                                  the most appropriate response. For
                                                                                                                          ‘other’, please explain.

                                         3     Would you like to live   The proportion of people   *Occasionally, individuals may   This and Q1 can both be 'yes'
                                               somewhere else?       satisfied with where they live  misinterpret this question as   responses. However, if both responses
                                                                                               suggesting they were actually   are 'yes', the surveyor should follow up
                                                                                               moving somewhere else.     to ensure the person understands the
                                                                                               Reassure people that       question and/or is not acquiescing
                                                                                               relocation will not happen as a   (answering ‘yes’ to all questions).
                                                                                               result of survey.

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