Page 402 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 402

Do you need any of these additional services? (continued)

                                         98   How many times per  The proportion of people who   Do you work out?     This question refers to exercise done in any
                                              week do you do     maintain healthy habits in                           setting (integrated settings are not
                                                                                            Go to the gym, walk around
                                              moderate physical   such areas as smoking, weight,                      required).
                                                                                            your neighborhood?
                                              activity or exercise in  and exercise                                   Surveyors should follow up a 'yes' response
                                              which you are active                          Do you ride a bicycle?
                                                                                                                      to determine how often the person
                                              for at least 10                               When you exercise, do you do   exercises.
                                              minutes at a time?                            it hard enough so you start to
                                              For example, how                              sweat?
                                              often do you go
                                              running, fast
                                              walking, dancing,
                                              biking, swimming
                                              and/or play
                                              basketball for at
                                              least 10 minutes at a

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