Page 404 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 404

Do you need any of these additional services? (continued)

                                         99   How many times per  The proportion of people who   When you work out, do your   This question refers to exercise done in any
                                              week do you do     maintain healthy habits in   muscles hurt the next day?   setting (integrated settings are not
                                              physical activity or   such areas as smoking, weight,                   required).
                                              exercise that makes   and exercise
                                                                                                                      Surveyors should follow up a 'yes' response
                                              the muscles in your
                                                                                                                      to determine how often the person
                                              arms, legs, back,
                                              and/or chest work
                                              hard like lifting
                                              weights, pushups,
                                              sit-ups, manual
                                              labor, physical
                                              therapy, etc.?

                                                                                      SELF-DIRECTION MODULE
                                         States identify prior to the initiation of the survey whether there are people who may be part of the IPS survey sample who may be self-
                                         directing all or some of their supports. Some states may not include the self-direction module in their IPS.

                                         100   From Pre-Survey                                                        (Refer to PS-10 for terms the person may be
                                              Form and                                                                familiar with.) See PS-10 and BI-58 to know
                                              Background Info:                                                        if person is identified as using self-directed
                                              Does this person use                                                    supports.

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