Page 408 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 408
Do you need any of these additional services? (continued)
103 Do you hire and Of those using a self- or Do you make schedules for
manage your staff? participant-directed option, your staff, tell them their
(Managing staff the proportion of people who duties?
includes telling them take part in self-directed
Can you fire staff?
what time to come activities (such as hiring or
to work, what their firing staff)
duties are, giving
feedback about
whether they’re
doing a good job,
firing staff.)
104 Can you make Of those using a self- or Can you choose to get
changes to your participant-directed option, different services?
budget/services if the proportion of people who
you need to? (can take part in self-directed
you decide to buy activities (such as hiring or
something firing staff)
105 Do you have enough The proportion of people self- Would you like more help
help deciding how to directing who report they deciding how to use your
use your have enough help in deciding budget?
budget/services? how to use their