Page 413 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 413

Surveyor Feedback Form
 This form is used to get a sense of the survey process. It includes questions about the amount of time it took to complete surveys, how the
 survey was administered, and whether the surveyor had difficulties with any questions. This information is useful for states in planning for the
 NCI surveys and helps to improve the survey tool itself.

 Surveyor Feedback Form
 Q#   Q   Intent               Other Notes

 1   How long did it take to complete the direct   Helps determine approximately  If the average time is especially low or high, it may
 face-to-face survey(s) (Sections I and II only)?   how long the face-to-face   indicate a need for additional training or shadowing
 meeting takes   of surveyors and/or a review of survey protocol.
               The average time is around 40 minutes, with a range
               to allow for people who need more time to
               communicate their answers and complete the survey.

 2   How long did it take to complete the entire   Helps determine the entire
 form, including making phone calls, collecting  amount of time surveyors
 background information, arranging and   should expect to spend per
 conducting the face-to-face survey, travel   survey
 time, etc.?

 3   Were there any questions that were   Helps identify opportunities to   Note: Surveyors should only give information about
 problematic?    improve the survey; surveyors   the questions themselves.
 should complete this if there   Do not include any identifying information about the
 are questions that were
               individual surveyed, his/her services, etc.
 particularly difficult to ask/have
 answered because of wording,
 response options, or other

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