Page 410 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 410

Do you need any of these additional services? (continued)

                                         106   Do you get        The proportion of people self-  *Refer to PS-11 for name of
                                              information about   directing who report they   financial management service
                                              how much money is   have enough help in deciding
                                              left in your       how to use their
                                              budget/services?   budget/services

                                         107   If yes, is the    The proportion of people self-
                                              information easy to   directing who report they
                                              understand?        have enough help in deciding
                                                                 how to use their

                                         108   How often do you   The proportion of people self-
                                              get information    directing who report they
                                              about how much     have enough help in deciding
                                              money is left in your   how to use their
                                              budget/services?    budget/services

                                         109   Surveyor: Was this   The proportion of surveys
                                              survey conducted   administered by either face to
                                              face to face, or   face or by remote technology
                                              remotely (via video-

                                         110   SURVEYOR: Please   Who has responded to
                                              indicate all       Section II
                                              respondents to
                                              Section II

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