Page 433 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 433

Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Suggested Rephrase and Tips   Other Notes

 15   PROXY ALLOWED   Experience with video-     [Note to surveyor: This question refers
 Since the start of   conference communication for   to services provided by the state DD
 COVID time, did you   services   system or a DD system provider agency)
 do any of the
 following services      CHECK ALL THAT APPLY
 using video

 technology like
 Skype, Zoom or

 16   PROXY ALLOWED If   Satisfaction with video-
 you did any services   conference communication for
 over video   services
 conference or
 telehealth, did you
 like doing services
 over video
 conference or

 17   PROXY ALLOWED Do  Is person receiving needed
 you need more help   support to stay safe
 or reminders to
 wash your hands
 regularly during the

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