Page 436 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 436

Q#           Q                Indicator/Intent     Suggested Rephrase and Tips            Other Notes

                                         20   PROXY ALLOWED Do  Is person receiving needed
                                              you need more help   support to stay safe
                                              or reminders to stay
                                              far enough away
                                              from people when
                                              you’re out in the
                                              community so germs
                                              don’t spread? (This
                                              is sometimes called
                                              “social distancing”
                                              or “physical
                                              distancing” and
                                              means you should
                                              stay far enough
                                              away from people
                                              you don’t know, and
                                              friends, family and
                                              staff who do not live
                                              with you)?

                                         21   PROXY ALLOWED      Are this person’s staff                              Note to surveyor: Please refer to staff who
                                              Since COVID time   following recommendations to                         do not live full time with the respondent
                                              started, have your   keep this person safe?
                                              staff used personal
                                              equipment (PPE)?

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