Page 441 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 441
b. If someone unexpectedly enters either the participant’s or interviewer’s room, the
interview should be stopped until they exit. All reasonable precautions should be
taken to prevent unexpected interruptions.
3) Surveyor should be seen from chest up
4) Prior to beginning the survey, be sure:
a. Phone(s) are on do not disturb
b. Other tabs or windows in the browser are shut off (unless using ODESA to enter
survey data)
c. Screen sharing is turned off (e.g., the person being surveyed cannot see the
survey questions if the survey is on screen)
Setup– Survey participant and proxy
1) Survey should be done in private place with few distractions.
1) Surveyor and/or person being surveyed, support person (and proxy if
applicable) may wear headphones/headset
2) If it is anticipated that others will be in the room during the survey (either as a
companion, interpreter, translator and/or proxy if applicable) please make sure
that the surveyor is made aware
i. If so, they should be informed that the other person should also be
visible in the video and should sit side by side with the person being
3) If someone enters during the survey and makes noise or is distracting to the
person being surveyed, the surveyor should talk with the participant and
figure out how to eliminate distractions.
2) Ask person/ proxy (if applicable) not to do other things on the computer/device while
survey is being conducted. For example, close tabs that aren’t being used, turn off
pop-up notifications, etc.
1) Making sure all other apps and browsers are closed will also ensure a more
seamless video-conference connection
3) Person being surveyed and proxy (if applicable) must be seen in the camera from chest
to top of head.