Page 444 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 444

Communication aid/assistive technology
                   1)  If a communication aid or assistive technology is used, surveyors should ensure that
                       someone else will be in the room to amplify the responses, if necessary.
                                  i.  That person should be visible to the camera

               Survey Administration

               Refer to the “surveyor checklist.”

                 Surveyor Checklist (optional to use)

               Initial Contact

               Upon contacting the individual to ask for IPS participation, surveyors should:

                   •  Ensure that the NCI purpose is explained
                   •  Consent should be gathered if applicable
                   •  Confirm language (follow guidelines in manual regarding language needs)

               If participation is refused during the initial contact, the reason for non-participation (Survey
               Status) must be recorded in ODESA. Each potential participant should have a survey code and
               questions SC-1, SC-2 and SC-3 completed for them.
                   •  If the person or guardian refuses participation because of a lack of access to the
                       necessary technology, the technology barrier should be recorded as the reason for

               Once initial contact is made, NCI purpose is explained, and participation is agreed upon (and
               consent gathered) there are several steps the surveyor will follow.

                   •  The Surveyor will administer the Proxy Determination to determine whether a proxy is
                       required to complete the survey

                          a.  Guidance will be provided in training materials on how to make the
                              determination whether a proxy is needed—there are questions in the tool
                              called “proxy determination questions” that can inform this decision.
                          b.  If a proxy respondent is required or expected during the survey the surveyor
                              should continue scheduling the survey with the proxy. When possible, the
                              person receiving services should be present for the meeting

                   •  The surveyor should ascertain whether the person being surveyed will need a
                       translator, interpreter, communication device or aid.
                          a.  If so, determine whether an additional person may be needed for
                              further communication assistance
                          b.  If a translator or interpreter will be needed, surveyor may be responsible for
                              scheduling with the translator or interpreter.
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