Page 447 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 447
▪ If applicable, appointment information can also be sent to an additional person who
may be present at the meeting (such as a proxy/support person). That email should
include the ‘Proxy/interpreter flier’ attachment to help explain their role in the
survey (optional).
Proxy/Interpreter flier
▪ Call participant and send email reminder the day before and morning of the survey.
Email and Text Templates Available
NCI developed the following email/text templates that states may choose to use/modify when
contacting states (templates are available as separate Word documents in order to make
modifications) (these are optional to use):
Survey Meeting Appointment
Survey Meeting Reminder sa230d2ac6f74ab29
‘Thank you’ message (to send after survey
Survey Administration
Surveyors should sign on at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting time in order to ensure
that they are able to access the video conference, test equipment and be seen when the
participant logs on.
It may be helpful to have some basic information written in the ‘chat’ box in so the person can
see it
when s/he signs in:
Hi ! Just a reminder to start your audio [If using phone] call this number
[#]/[If using computer audio] move the mouse to the bottom left side of the Zoom
screen (just under
some identifier that can be seen on screen). Click the button that looks like a microphone
To start your video, move the mouse to the bottom left side of the Zoom screen (just under
some identifier that can be seen on screen)/next to the microphone. Click the button
that looks like a video camera .
The audio and visual quality that supports engaging in a conversation must be confirmed by
both the surveyor and the survey participant.
Surveyor should assess whether all anticipated participants (person, support, and/or proxy)
are present and on camera.
o If it is anticipated that others will be in the room during the survey (either as a
companion, interpreter, translator and/or proxy if applicable) please make sure
that the surveyor is made aware