Page 445 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 445
• Surveys will be conducted remotely. The surveyor will:
c. Determine technology access by asking the person/proxy (if applicable):
i. Whether the person/proxy (if applicable) has (or can access) the
required technology
ii. The type of device that will be used (i.e., laptop, Smartphone, tablet)
and the model (Apple, Mac) – this can be used to support
troubleshooting and FAQs
iii. Where the person/proxy (if applicable) will be when they meet (i.e., their
d. Surveyors should provide the person with information on recommended
devices and room set-up when the person has multiple options (e.g., use a
laptop in a quiet space)
• The surveyor will schedule the survey and arrange to send the video-conference
access link to the person (or whomever will support the person to log on) via email or
text. The link should also be sent to a proxy (if applicable) that might videoconference
separately from the person.
e. The surveyor may want to share instructions on how to access
videoconference using different devices and brands
(iPhone/iPad/Android/Laptop, etc). These resources are linked below.
f. The surveyor may share information on “what to expect.” (“I’m going to do an
NCI IPS survey!” pdf, linked below)
g. BEST PRACTICE: The day before and morning of the survey meeting, it is best
practice for the surveyor to call the person (and proxy if applicable) to remind
them of the survey meeting and resend meeting information.
• The surveyor should also go over ‘dropped call’ procedure for use during survey if
there is a break in contact.
a. Surveyors should confirm (during the initial contact) the best available phone
number for the person in case connections are lost. Importantly, if the contact
number does not belong to the participant, ensure they will have access to that
phone during the survey.
b. If the participant is unable to connect to the video conference or a call is
dropped, the surveyor should contact the participant using the best contact
c. Attempt to determine the issue and troubleshoot the problem.
d. If the issue persists, reschedule for another time.
e. Be sure to record any issues in the appropriate feedback section (System Check
System or Surveyor Feedback – if there were issues during the meeting – in
Reminder, the survey may not be conducted over the phone without video conference.