Page 448 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 448

If so, they should be informed that the other person should also be visible in
                              the video and should sit side by side with the person being surveyed.

                       o  If someone enters during the survey and makes noise or is distracting to the
                          person being surveyed, the surveyor should talk with the participant and figure
                          out how to eliminate distractions.

               Ask person/ proxy (if applicable) not to do other things on the computer/device while survey is
               conducted. For example, close tabs that aren’t being used, turn off pop-up notifications, etc.

               In the event troubleshooting is needed, the surveyor should confirm with all participants
               (e.g., if the person and proxy are in different locations confirm with each party):

                     a.  The type of device being used and whether it is an Apple or Mac
                     b.  Whether they are using computer audio or the
               telephone Before beginning the survey:

                       1.  The surveyors should ask the Proxy Determination questions again.
                       2.  If other parties are present for the meeting (either physically with the person or
                          called in from a different location), surveyors should:
                          a.  Explain each person’s role
                          b.  Ensure that all parties are clearly visible in the video
                          c.  If the proxy is conferencing-in separately, he/she must also be on video
                       3.  Reconfirm “Dropped Call procedure”
                       4.  Discuss method of survey data entry with person being surveyed (paper, or
                          directly into ODESA)
                          a.  If the surveyor will be entering responses directly into ODESA during the
                              survey, make sure to tell person being surveyed “If I look a little distracted at
                              times, I am entering your response into the survey”
                          b.  If the surveyor will be entering responses using paper, make sure to tell
                              person being surveyed: “If you catch me looking down, it’s because I am
                              writing down your
                       5.  Do not share the survey tool with person being surveyed or anyone
                          accompanying the person (proxy, translator, interpreter, companion, etc.).
                       6.  Timing and breaks
                          a.  Surveys typically do not take longer than an hour
                          b.  If a short break is needed
                                  i.  Keep videoconference platform open
                                  ii.  If the person being surveyed needs a break, agree on how long is
                                     needed and a plan for resuming the interview. When the interview
                                     resumes, the interviewer will need to re-establish the privacy of the
                                     participant’s room. Ask: “Is there anyone else in the room with you?”
                          c.  If the person wants to end the call and restart at a later time/dates, that is
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