Page 429 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 429

Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Suggested Rephrase and Tips   Other Notes

 10   PROXY ALLOWED   Level of engagement of Case
 Since COVID time   Manager/Service Coordinator
 started, have you   in person’s life. Is person
 talked to your case   satisfied with the level of
 manager/service   engagement during COVID?
 coordinator enough?

 11   PROXY ALLOWED   Experience with video-     Note – they may have done this before
 Have you ever talked  conference communication for   COVID time
 to your case   case management
 coordinator using
 video conference or
 telehealth like
 Skype, Zoom or

 12   PROXY ALLOWED   Satisfaction with video-
 Think about talking   conference communication for
 to your case   case management
 coordinator with
 video conference or
 telehealth. Did you
 like it?

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