Page 427 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 427

Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Suggested Rephrase and Tips   Other Notes

 7   PROXY ALLOWED Is   Understanding technology
 there a computer,   access
 tablet (iPad or
 similar) or
 smartphone that you
 can use in your

 8   PROXY ALLOWED   Understanding access to   May want to use examples – if     [Read first three response options]
 How does your   reliable technology   you talk with someone on
 internet work at   video conference, or watch a
 home? Would you   video clip, does the screen
 say that …?   ever freeze or take time to
 start working?

 9   PROXY ALLOWED   Understanding whether the      Be sure that the person knows you are
 Since COVID time   person has been isolated   asking about people they do not live with.
 started, have you   during COVID-19 and the level
 talked to your   of engagement with friends
 friends and family as  and family
 much as you want?
 I’m talking about
 those friends and
 family who do not
 live with you.

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