Page 423 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 423

Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Suggested Rephrase and Tips   Other Notes

 2   PROXY ALLOWED   Understanding how the      Be sure to take time and read through the
 During COVID time,   person’s life changed because   list. If something changed for a time during
 did any of these   of the COVID pandemic   COVID time, but has since resumed, you will
 happen... (surveyor   code that item as “yes”.
 read list and check
 all that apply)

 3   PROXY ALLOWED   Assessing level of choice      This can mean that the person chose to
 During COVID time,   person had in defining   continue to do day activities remotely or
 if there were   changes to routine and   stop all together. It may also mean that the
 changes in your daily  schedule during COVID   person was able to choose to how they
 schedule (like if you   spent their time at home.
 stopped getting
 some services or had
 to stay home more),
 did you get to
 choose your new
 daily schedule? Did
 you choose what
 you got to do during
 the day during
 COVID time?

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