Page 425 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 425

Q#   Q   Indicator/Intent   Suggested Rephrase and Tips   Other Notes

 4   PERSON ONLY Think   Assessing whether any of the
 of how your life and   changes in schedule or routine
 daily routine   resulting from the COVID-19
 changed since the   pandemic were preferred
 beginning of COVID
 time. Have there
 been any changes
 that you liked?

 5   PROXY ALLOWED   Has this person been affected      Please note, this question is not about any
 Since COVID time   psychologically by the COVID-  formal diagnoses, but the person’s own
 started, have you   19 pandemic   perspective on how they are feeling.
 been more worried,
                      This may include feelings of sadness or
 scared, anxious or
                      depression due to loneliness. Feeling
 sad than before
                      worried or scared for their health or the
                      health of other. Being anxious about new

 6   PROXY ALLOWED Do  Getting at unmet mental      Ask this regardless of the response to Q5
 you want help to   health care resulting from
                      This can include the person wanting help (or
 feel less worried,   COVID-19
                      more help) from a professional such as a
 scared, anxious or
                      physiologist or councilor. The person may
                      also want help from others like a family
                      member or friend.

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