Page 21 - Des Pawson "Knots The Complete Visual Guide"
P. 21
Turns around an object
When you pass the working end of a rope around another rope,
or around an object, the maneuver is described as making a turn.
Behind Behind
In front In front
Turn Round turn
A turn is a single pass of the A round turn is two turns,
rope around an object. It is or passing the rope twice,
also known as a single turn. around the object.
Useful tools
A few simple but specialized tools will help make working with rope
considerably easier. These tools are available from hardware and
marine supply stores or on the Internet.
Sailmaker’s Adhesive tape
palm and For quick,
needle temporary
A reinforced glove whippings.
and heavy needle.
The glove makes it
easier to push the
needle through Sharp knife
thick rope. Essential for
cutting or
Swedish fid Marlinspike Netting
The hollow An all-metal needle
blade makes it tool used for For working
easier to tuck separating with thin
rope when the strands line when
splicing. of a knot. making nets.