Page 13 - 1983 Plymouth Rotary Annual Report
P. 13

            Organized  in  194 7 and  now  in  its  35th  year  the  Rotary  Anns  have
            become  an  integral  part  of  the  operation  of  the  Plymouth  Rotary
            Club.  The  auxilary  unit,  which  meets  five  times  a  year,  gives  the
            wives  of Rotarians  an  opportunity  to have  their  own  programs  and
            activities  - a  chance  to  join  in  Rotary  life enjoyed  so  much by  their
            spouses.  One of the High spots of the year  for the Rotary Anns is a
            picnic in June with the Rotarians as a  windup of the years activities.
            The group has an active membership of between  60 and 70 although
            the wife of every Rotarian is a  Rotary Ann.  It was organized for the
            purpose of having the  wives become better acquainted and  to bring
            programs  relating  to  culture,  the  community  and  Rotary  to  the
            attention of members.
            In  the  past  few  years,  the  Rotary  Anns  have  provided  financial  aid
            to  the  local  radio  station  WSPD-FM,  Youth  Inc.,  the  Northwest
            Regional  Center,  Plymouth  Symphony,  Plymouth  Historical  Museum,
            Salvation  Army,  Our  Lady  of Providence,  Plymouth  Community  Fund,
            Plymouth  Community  Council  on  Aging,  FISH,  Plymouth  Opportunity
            House, and  to  other  special  people  who  needed  our  help.  Funds  for
            the  projects  are raised  from  the Rotary  Ann's  pie sale  at  the  annual
            Plymouth  Fall  Festival,  which  the  Rotary  Club  started.  In  this  3 5th
            year, it should be pointed out  that the  pie sale has grown each year,
            and  so  has  the  participation  of  the  Rotary  Anns  in  the  big  Fall
                                 PAST PRESIDENTS
                   Mary Gardiner ..........................................................  194 7-48
                   Clella Smith ................................................................  1948-49
                   Maxine Willoughby ..................................................  1949-50
                   Elizabeth Mather .....................................................  1 9 5 o - 5 1
                   Mary Arlen .................................................................  1951-52
                   Monnie Goddard ......................................................  1 9 5 2 - 5 3
                   Betty Mayhew .........................................................  195 3- 54
                   Mickey Beyer ...........................................................  1954-55
                   Florence Taylor .......................................................  1955-56
                   Juanita Sutherland .................................................  1 9 5 6 - 5 7
                   Florence Taylor .......................................................  1957-58
                   Catherine Westover ..............................................  1958-59
                   Mary Richwine ..........................................................  19 59-61
                   Helynn Caplin ............................................................  1961-62
                   Blanche Johanson ...................................................  196 2-6 3
                   Robin  Thomas ...........................................................  1963-64
                   Rita McClumpha .......................................................  1964-66
                   Vivian Bradburn .......................................................  1966-67
                   Audrey Borregard ..................................................  1967-68
                   Theresa Covington ................................................  1968-69
                   Billie Bidwell ...............................................................  1969-70
                   Mae Lundin .................................................................  1970-71
                   Marie Druce ...............................................................  1971-72
                   Dorothy Sincock .....................................................  1 9 7 2 - 7 3
                   Mary Jo Workman ..................................................  197 3-7 4
                   Virginia Morrison .....................................................  197 4 - 7 5
                   Margaret Koeninger ...............................................  1 9 7 5 - 7 6
                   Sally Peterson .........................................................  1976-77
                   Sandra Lankenau ....................................................  197 7 - 7 8
                   Gail LaRiche ...............................................................  1978-79
                   Jan Carney ................................................................  1979-80
                   Lois Taylor ................................................................  1980-82
                   Rita Feldkamp ..........................................................  1982-84

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