Page 14 - 1983 Plymouth Rotary Annual Report
P. 14


              By Sam Hudson                      Chairman, History Committee

               Since its first meeting on March  24,  1924, Plymouth Rotary has been
               an  active  club,  both  collectively  and  in  terms  of  the  civic
               achievements of its individual members.
               In  1927,  the  club  helped  raise  more  than  $200,000  to  build  the
               Mayflower  Hotel.  We  sent  financial  aid  to  Plymouth,  England  during
               World  War  II.  In  194 7,  we  raised  funds  to  iiluminate  the  local  high
               school  football field.  In  1 9 5 1,  we provided  funds to build  a hog barn
               for  4 -H boys and  girls  at  the Belleville exhibit grounds.  In  195 6,  we
               raised  $40,000 to help construct  and operate the Crippled Children's
               Center  in  lnster.  In  the  same  year,  we  raised  $1,600  through  our
               first chicken barbecue to equip the Wing Street playground.
               In  1960, we  held  our  first "Fall  Festival"  in  Kellogg  Park,  broadening
               the  chicken  barbecue  to  include  other  organizations  and  activities.
               The  Fall  Festival  is  now  an  annual  at traction  in  the  Plymouth
               community, drawing people from all over Wayne County, and beyond.
               In  196 7,  we  donated  $5,000  to  defray  the  cost  of the  fountain  in
               Kellogg  Park.  In  1 9 6 8,  we  donated  $ 2 0, 0 0 0  over  a  five -year
               period  to  help establish  the  school  system's  Rotary  School  Farm.  In
               1 9 7 2,  we  donated  $ 1 0, 0 0 0  for  our  5 0th  anniversary  projects,
               including two kidney machines purchased for St. Mary Hospital.
               The money raised  from our Fall Festival participation, and  from other
               projects, is channeled  through the Plymouth Rotary Foundation which
               makes  donations  to  a  wide  variety  of  local  charitable  and  civic
               projects too numerous to mention in this short resume.
               Recent contributions have included a  major donation toward the cost
               of  a  double -decker English  bus  which  the  city purchased  to  provide
               local service, and another  $ 2 5, 0 0 0  toward the cost of the Plymouth
               Gathering building  constructed by the  city for use in  connection  with
               community events in Kellogg Park.
               Plymouth  Rotarians, as individuals, also have made  their marks in  the
               community  during  the  past  59 years.  At  least  20 members  of  the
               club  have  served  on  the  Village  or  City  Commission  since  1 9 2 4.  We
               have  had  five  village  or  city  managers,  three  township  board
               officials, and two police chiefs as members of the club.  This club has
               contributed  11  Mayors  to  the  City  of  Plymouth,  and  nine  members
               have been inducted into the Plymouth Hall of Fame.
               A  number  of  Plymouth  Rotarians  have  been  presidents  of  the
               Plymouth  Community  Fund.  We  have  had  four municipal  judges,  four
               state  representatives,  and  a  symphony  conductor.  In  addition,  four
               of  our  members  have  been  Rotary  District  Governors,  four  have
               been  school  superintendents,  and  at  least  1 2 have  served  on  the
               Plymouth  Board of Education.  One  member  was  in  charge of  Wayne
               County  Schools  for many  years, and  another member has  served on
               the board of trustees of Schoolcraft Community College.
               There  is  no  doubt  that  in  its  59-year  history,  t he  Plymouth  Rotary
               Club  has  been  a  service  club  in  the  fullest  sense  of  the  word.  We
               have  served  the  community  collectively,  as  demonstrated  by  the
               many  projects  we  have  tackled,  and  we  have  served  it  individually,
               as  the record of achievement of our members also indicates.
               It is a club to be proud of.

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