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➢ Documentaryevidencesontheparticipationofadministrator,faculty, staff, studentsand
                  stakeholders intheformulation andreview ofthe VMGO

                  a. Thevariousstakeholders andtheir representativesjoinedconsultations,planningworkshops,
                      benchmarkingtripsin theformulation, review,and/orrevisionof theVMGOs.

                       In attendance duringthe1st Legof theUniversityStrategic Planning ReviewandWorkshopheldlast
                        October 15-18, 2017, showingparticipation of thedifferent stakeholders.Belowis theattendance
                                                      sheet for thesaidworkshop.

                          BelowtheAttendance Sheetforthe2 Legof theUniversityStrategic Planning Reviewand
                            Workshoplast February 26-27,2018, showingparticipation of thedifferent stakeholders.

           12 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP/AreaI:TheVision,Mission,GoalsandObjectives/CON
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