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Attendance Sheet for theCollege Planning andReviewWorkshopheldlast January 12,
                                            2016showing participation of thedifferent stakeholders.

           participate inall mattersregardingmajor policies including theformulation, review,and/orrevisionof theVMGO.

           2. IMPLEMENTATION

               ➢ VMGOdisseminationactivities

                  TheUniversityconductedthefollowing activities to disseminate theVMGOs:
                      a. Facultymeetings
                      b. Orientationprograms
                      c. Distribution of print mediacontainingtheVMGOs likestudenthandbook,flyers,bulletin of
                         information, billboards, etc.

               ➢ HowmembersoftheInstitution(administrators,faculty,non-teaching staff, students) articulate
                  procedures, guidelines andprotocols ofthe University/College

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