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The bulk of academic advancements of the University were primarily dedicated in producing
globally competent professionals and responsible individuals. Beginning at their academic journey, ISU
ensures that every learner that comes across its premises would be cultivated with quality education and
excellent learning experience that they so deserve. To support this, the University, thru the help of
government agencies and private partners, opened more scholarship programs to support their tertiary
education. Students enjoy academic freedom, having been immersed into various social groups and
organizations. The University recognizes this venture as social well-being is an important aspect of their
holistic development.
In response to the national government’s goal to strengthen quality assurance in the delivery of
instruction, ISUhas continuouslyundertakenmeasuresinits aimtoprovidequalityandrelevant education.
Ever since the University’s main campus successfully achieved an ISO 9001:2008 Certification by
TUVSUD, ISU asa system undergoes continuous ISO Surveillance Audits. Thepurpose of submitting the
entire University system to international standards such as ISO 9001:2015 was to ensure efficiency and
effectivenessof university operationsforquality andexcellent service.
ISU continuously subjects its programs to AACCUP accreditation as means of assuring its
curriculum engineering as well as meeting quality standards. AACCUP accreditation as of July 2019
resultedin96accredited programs,thus certifying qualitycompliant curricular offerings. ISUacknowledges
that through accreditation, it takes the path of continuously re-engineering its curriculum relative to
emerging needs of the industry and quality education trends. ISU assures that its programs meet quality
standardbycontinuously subjecting themto accreditation amidst the pandemic. The University undergone
virtual accreditation with the AACCUP. As of July 2020, 11 programs of the University have passed
validations ofAACCUP.
ISUhasalsotakenits stepstowardsthePhilippineQualityAwardProgramwhichwassuccessfully
achieved early this 2022. The PQAprogram is a global competitiveness template that aims to encourage
and engage public and private organizations and other stakeholders to strive for and attain performance
excellence. It is a national award program that recognizes achievements of public and private sector
organizationsin their journeytowards performance excellence.
The University has developed and implemented a well-organized faculty and support personnel
development program and activities. The University has always supported the continuing development
andcareeradvancementof thefaculty byfinancing their graduate studies.
Maintainingits thrivingresearchculture, ISUhasremainedactively synergizingwith local, national,
and international institutions towards sharing of technical, human and financial resources along with
augmenting research practices in effecting socio-economic development. As part of its institutional
strengthening, the University has established 29 Research and Development Centers focusing in
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