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agriculture, aquatic, environment, and natural resources, farm machineries, climate change, anddisaster
                  risk management,highereducation,social sciences,business andmanagement,ICTandhealth.

                         The ISU system is succeeding in its mission of extending through various modalities the use of
                  scienceandtechnology-basedknowledgeto awidearrayof clientele. TheUniversity maintained extensive
                  relations with outlying communities by continuously empowering them toward sustainable development
                  thru its four-pronged umbrella extension programs: Adopt A Barangay Volunteerism Program; LGU
                  Extension Capability Strengthening Program; Gender and Development and; Community Outreach and
                  Support Services. ISU has established strong collaboration and networks with other agencies in research
                  and extension initiatives and is continuously and consistently attracting more support for our community
                  engagementserviceswhichis ably reinforcedbyour strongcultureof research andinnovation.

           5. EXTENTOFCOMPLIANCE with theTeamRecommendationsforAreaI –VMGOin thelast SurveyVisit

               ➢ Statusof ComplianceMatrix of theAreafocusingoninterventionsdoneontherecommendations.

                 AACUP Accreditors’                  Action/s Taken          Percentage of       Remarks

                1. The VMGO may be placed in        •   Request letters were     100%             Complied
                    affiliating  hospitals/agencies     given  to   affiliating
                    and even public places where        hospitals  for  the
                    thepeoplecanbeabletosee.            posting of VMGO in
                                                    •   TheUniversityVGMO
                                                        has been posted in

                2. The VMGO may be placed           • The VMGO         was
                    in OBE Syllabi and be part of      placed in OBE Syllabi     100%           Complied
                    the learning process of every      to be part of the
                    students.                          learning process of the

                                                                                 100%           Complied
                3.    Proper   distribution  of     • Documents        were
                documents/activities  may   be         distributedtostudents

           20 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP/AreaI:TheVision,Mission,GoalsandObjectives/CON
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