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                  education management and operation responsive to directives of the Commission on Higher Education

                         In 2020, the University has taken its initial steps to the Philippine Quality Awards, in its bid to
                  improve its operational processes. On January 13, 2022, the Isabela State University Echague Campus
                  became among the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Region II to be a recipient of the Recognition
                  for Proficiency in the Quality Management during the 24 Philippine Quality Award (PQA) Assessment

                         UniversityR&Dcontinuedto maintainstrongresearchculturethat yieldedmorebreakthroughs and
                  initiatives. In 2019, ISU was able to advance additional Five (5) Research and Development Centers.
                  Together, they reinforce the total 26 R&Dcenters of the University in driving R&Ddirections of respective
                  industries they cater. ISU have also maintained good practice of allocating funding supports to propel
                  researchengagementsthis year. Thisresultedtoenrichment of humanresourcethat inturncomplemented
                  the growth on the delivery of new research outputs. The University was able to complete 149 researches
                  andpublished74newpapers inrefereedjournals.Wewerealsoabletoobtain14newIntellectualProperty
                  Rightscomposed of Invention,Utility ModelandIndustrial Design.

                         The University had entered into MOAs/MOUs with several national organizations, NGOs as well
                  as GOs for a number of research and development initiatives. As in the past several years, national
                  agencies such as PCAARRD and DOST, have continued their research linkage with the University,
                  contributing tothevibrancyof researchculture inISU.

                         As a result of the various Extension and outreach modalities and services, ISU livelihood and
                  capability trainings which benefitted small-scale farmers, Local Government Officials, teachers,
                  housewives and the like, were conducted mostly in ISU’s adopted barangays. Also, linkages, in the form
                  of technical assistance or expert services and funding were forged by the University with private
                  companies, government agencies andNGOs.

                         The B.S. Nursing program has been awarded its Certificate of Program Compliance by the
                  CommissiononHigher EducationRegionalOffice II last August 4, 2014. Suchcertification recognizes that
                  the B.S. Nursingprogram of the ISU Echague Campus is fully compliant with the policies, standards, and
                  guidelines of theCHED,andishence, quality assured.

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