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➢ Cite as many best practices as you can on Parameter Bsuch as governance that facilitates the
accomplishmentofthe VMGO.
The VMGO were considered in strategic planning workshops and also served as basis in the
planning and implementing educational activities, such as delivery of instruction andsupport services, co-
curricular services,preparation, updating/enrichment of syllabi andresearch extension.
The VMGO form part of the syllabus in every subject offering in the different programs of the
university and it is comprehensively discussed during the first day of classes. It also printed in everycopy
of the invitation which the university conducts. The Vision and Mission of the University are further
translated into the major dialects in the service areas of the University. Researches were also conducted
on the level of awareness, acceptability and understanding of the VMGO. The VMGOs are posted in
strategic locations in the different colleges and within the service areas of the university and these are
clearly discussed during extension activities of the college in the different adopted schools and barangays
of theUniversity.
At the face of the health crisis, ISU has remained ardently committed in defining the delivery of
instructionforNorthernLuzon.TheUniversityrecognizesthat educationcontinuityis nodifferent fromother
fundamental human needs at stake. Thus, ISU fronted academic initiatives that propels quality learning
amid the trying times. ISU have provided a more convenient way of accessing admission processes via
online asthe University launchedSACARIASv1.0, at the sametime, gearing-up SARIASto dothe same.
ISU wasable to establish LearningResourceManagement Center in support of our Flexible Teaching and
Learning Modality. These come with the deployment of Learning Management Systems (LMS) that
facilitatethevirtual learningprocess.
Theincreasingpatternofstudent enrolmentis duemostlytotheUniversity’s vigorouswide-ranging
career campaign efforts to promote its curricular offerings. In 2019, ISU staged innovative operations in
the delivery of higher education upon the implementation of the K-12 education reform which includes
fashioningits programsto beindustryandcommunity-basedintegratingsocial mobility conceptsinlearning
A tracer study on the graduates of the BSN Nursing program was conducted where the results
18 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP/AreaI:TheVision,Mission,GoalsandObjectives/CON