Page 7 - Football Victoria Historical Review & Recommendations FINAL_Neat
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Football in Victoria has a long history. From the mid-to-late 1800’s, pre and post-World War I, through post
war migration in the 1950’s and 60’s, to the modern semi-professional and professional model of the game,
football in this state has played a big part in the lives of many generations of Victorians.
Whether it be the volunteers playing, coaching and administering clubs in the amateur leagues, or those
participating at the elite level of the game, it’s the wonderful stories and memories that live for an eternity,
and provide a lifelong connection to the game for individuals, families and the community.
Storytelling, and preserving, celebrating and perpetuating historical events, people and moments, in many
respects provides the glue for the game, and the foundation on which to build a vibrant and flourishing game
in the future.
The telling and maintaining of the game’s history in this state though, has been left to a handful of wonderfully
dedicated football historians and enthusiasts. These people cherish the game, and are passionately committed
to showcasing the exploits of those who made the game what it is today.
Football Victoria, in its many incarnations over the years, has also played its part in celebrating the history of
the game through Hall of Fame and Life Membership recognition.
Despite the commitment and intention of these people and the state body, it is widely accepted that more
needs to be done to not only uphold our past but also to use it as an important strategic catalyst for our future.
The Football Victoria Historical Review and Recommendations Report, is the state body’s first step in
addressing the shortfalls the game has in telling its story, and curating its history in a significant, committed
and best practise way.
The recommendations in this report are provided as the basis on which the Football Victoria board can devise
a whole of game strategy to preserving and bringing to life the game’s history. i