Page 3 - NCISS Your Advocate September 2020
P. 3

From the President…


                               Can we have a 2020 do over?

                               Once again, I have to say we have cancelled our midterm meeting which was to be held in AZ
                               this year in conjunction with the AALPI conference due to COVID. The safety of our members
                               and board members is always of utmost concern. I certainly miss the comradery at these
                               gatherings and know we will all be more than ready once we can hold these again. That being
                               said, NCISS business continues behind the scenes. For those of you that took part in our online
        ‘Special Board Meeting’ and our ‘NCISS Town Hall’, thank you for taking time out of your day to join us and letting us
        know what you’d like to see going forward for NCISS. It was really nice at least seeing some familiar faces while we
        navigate this new and temporary online forum in conducting NCISS business. During our ‘Special Board Meeting’ I was
        honored to present Candace Ivey of Michigan with the Wayne J. Wunder Memorial Award, Tina Thomas of Arizona with
        the Vinson award and Past President Michael Duffy, and Board Chairman Brad Duffy, presented Senator Charles Grassley
        with the esteemed John J. Duffy award at an event in Iowa earlier this month. For those of you that would like to know
        the history of these awards you can find it on our NCISS website at

        Many of you asked about more educational seminars online through NCISS and this month we will have Diana Garren of
        True Perceptions. Her topic will be ‘Changing the Game of Business to Increase Profits‘ and ‘How to Pivot Your Business
        to Seize Opportunities in a Crisis’. Join us September 24th at 1pm EST for this online seminar. I will send out a link to the
        members as it gets closer to the seminar date.

        As we continue to move the association forward, we will be holding our midterm meeting online October 8th and 15th
        with elections on November 11th to install the new NCISS board; each meeting begins at 1pm EST. You will receive more
        information in the next few weeks. As we get closer to those meetings let us know if you would like to join the meetings
        and we will send you a link. We’re already discussing next year’s Hit the Hill and providing we can finally do it safely, we
        will be meeting in Washington DC in May 2021. Mark your calendars for an arrival date of May 16, 2021 and look for
        more information to come. I’m still hearing from many of you around the country about the challenges you are facing
        business wise due to COVID-19. Please continue to reach out as I not only appreciate hearing from you, but it also gives
        us ideas and direction on how we can best help you.

        Stay safe and God Bless!

        Andrea Orozco
        NCISS President

        (720) 933-9301
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