Page 5 - NCISS Your Advocate September 2020
P. 5

From the Vice Presidents…

                             – Wes Bearden, 1  Vice President
                             As we get to fall 2020, NCISS is still going strong. Although we have been unable to see each other
                             in person, the organization is still moving forward. Even without conferences, NCISS has been
                             proactive in moving the association forward. In this year alone, we have hosted two Legislative
                             Advisory Board conference calls benefiting our state association members. In addition, NCISS
                             hosted its first virtual board meeting. Another set of board meetings and our annual meeting are
                             on schedule for later this year in a virtual medium.

        In addition, NCISS was one of the first organizations to provide written materials regarding the historic COVID relief
        legislation. Many members have personally let us know that they benefited from the information. Please take advantage
        of the resources that you have in YOUR association. We are also currently monitoring the most recent relief situation
        and will provide an update you a detailed update. Like last time, if relief legislation is passed that will benefit you we will
        host a live Q&A to provide you with answers.

        Finally, I would ask that you please be aware of our virtual townhall meetings. These have been unique opportunities to
        get all members involved in NCISS. Please take time and participate in these, and tell us what we can do to make your
        NCISS experience and membership valuable. Remember, this is your organization and we want you to have a say in it.

        Hopefully, we soon will be back together and 2020 will be in our rear-view mirror.

                            – Lisa Turley, 3  Vice President
                            As the summer window starts to close and anticipation of fall being around the corner, it’s hard to
                            believe it was only six months ago that the world turned upside down which has resulted in
                            instability for many.  Your board is mindful that some of you are busier than ever while some of
                            you have struggled to keep clients and others are either recovering from illness, caring for loved
                            ones and/or coping with the loss of someone dear.  Your board tries to being thoughtful and
                            purposeful in our response to meeting you where you are and our thoughts and prayers are with
                            you as you navigate your business and personal responsibilities.

                            As a large group of members whose commonality is investigations and security – the needs of the
        group are vast.  Each of you come to this membership with a set of skills that is unique to the next member.  With that
        fact in mind, we, the board would love to see more participation from its’ members.  If you have interest in getting more
        involved please contact the nominating committee.  Opportunities like the last Town Hall Meeting a few weeks ago have
        provided insight and excitement as we learn what is on the minds of our members.  Each meeting will have a follow up
        survey to be sent to the members for feedback for our board to see how we can move the association forward in times
        of uncertainty.  Shout out to all the members who submitted questions in advance of the meeting (over 25 questions)
        and thank you to all the members who were able to join the meeting.  Reminder – all members who complete the
        upcoming survey will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Amazon Gift Card.  This is your association and your voice is
        important so please take a few minutes and complete the survey when it comes to your inbox.   Appreciate the
        opportunity to serve.

        Stay safe everyone.
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