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ROCKNATION ISSUE 16                                                                                                                PAGE 15
    ROXX GANG                                                            You’ve Never Done Before”
                                                                         record was released by Virgin
                                                                         tours of the U.S. & U.K. where
           Interview with Kevin Steele by Tom Mathers                    Kevin: Roxx Gang did headline
                                                                         various bands opened. We did
  Rocknation: Hello Kevin and welcome  we were a band known to indulge but   do a small tour with Warrant
  to Rocknation. Your band Roxx Gang   I remember it was a great show. Roxx  which I thought was a terrible
  has just released “Boxx of Roxx” a 3   Gang was a band with a lot of internal  mismatch. We also did shows
  Disc Set including two CDs and the   conflict (to put it nicely)  and I remem-  with Ratt, Faster Pussycat,
  Video DVD. Please tell us about Disc   ber that night on the way to the gig a   Nazareth, Extreme, Enuff ZNuff
  1, what songs are featured that have   huge fight (on the verge of coming to   and my personal fave, Black
  never been released before?        blows) broke out between guitarists   Oak Arkansas to name a few.
  Kevin: Yes, the good folks at FnA   Jeff Blanchard and Wade Hayes. The  I’m a huge fan of Jim “Dandy”
  Records have put together and      Basement had a ramp your vehicle    Mangrum. So is David Lee Roth
  released this tribute set. I feel it   pulled up to. You ascended the ramp   apparently. (Hee-hee)
  provides some closure for the band   and you were on stage behind closed  Rocknation: The DVD included
  that we never really had before. Disc 1  curtains. This ugly fight lasted till the   features many videos of my
  consists of rare previously unreleased  moment the curtains were drawn at   favorite tracks like “No Easy Way
  cuts from throughout the band’s    which time they appeared and played  Out” and “Scratch My Back”.
  history. The radio edits of “Scratch   as if they were the best of mates only   Please tell us some standout
  My Back” and “No Easy Way Out”     to continue the fight the second the   moments of the making of these
  are included, but I believe every other  encore ended and the curtains closed.  videos.
  song with the exception of “Santa   I also remember a ring, a silver band of  Kevin: Well our first video, “No
  Claus Is Back In Town” (which ap-  skull & crossbones flying off my finger  Easy Way Out” was like a dream
  peared on some X-Mas compilation   and hitting a guy square in the chest. I  come true. Here we were , five
  disc) has never before been available  tried signaling the kid between songs   young bucks from Florida, out
  on CD. Of special note are three very  to throw it back but to no avail. I never  in Hollywood, making records
  early Roxx Gang  songs featuring the  saw the ring again. I was quite fond of  and videos. Nigel Dick, (who had   efforts between director Chris Moriar-
  late Eric Carroll on guitar. Eric was a   that ring, so if you’re reading this you   directed Guns & Roses) directing,   ity and myself and are more inovative
  founding member who unfortunately   thieving little bastard... give it back!  beautiful models, Hollywood sound-  and entertaining than anything we had
  passed before we were signed. In my  Rocknation: How was the recording   stage, this was quite heady stuff. We   done prior. You will want to remove
  opinion, Eric was the best guitar player  done at the Basement show?   were in Rock ‘n’ Roll heaven. “Scratch  children from the room before viewing
  Roxx Gang ever had. There are some  Kevin: If I recall correctly there was a  My Back”, I must say, represents the   “Startrip”, filmed in Boobarama Vision.
  demo recordings and some “live in the  big mobile recording unit there. I seem  band in a much more accurate light.   Let It All Hang Out!
  studio” cuts.                      to remember our sound man running   We had a lot of creative controll on that  Rocknation: Well thank you Kevin for
  Rocknation: Disc 2 is a rare live boot- back and forth from the board to the   one and it shows. Ralph Ziman of L.A.  taking time out for this interview, any
  leg recorded at the legendary Base-  mobile to listen. I’m afraid I don’t know  Guns fame directed and we did it at   last words to the Roxx Gang fans?
  ment club in Dallas, TX on May 29th   any of the technical aspects. Honestly,  home in Tampa. All our favorite haunts  Kevin: Yeah. Thank you for recogniz-
  1989. What sticks in your mind from   I wasn’t very interested in that side   were included and a live show at the   ing a real Rock ‘n’ Roll band when you
  that show of the dedicated Texas rock  of it in those days. I was much more   St. Petersburg Bayfront center allowed  heard one. I hope you get as much
  fans?                              concerned with the performance and   us to include our hometown fans in the  pleasure out of “Boxx Of Roxx”  as we
  Kevin: Texas, and Dallas in particular  the after party.               video. The other featured videos are   had putting it together. And don’t ever
  were always very good to Roxx Gang.  Rocknation: What bands did Roxx   the ones I’m most proud of however.   forget... “The idea is to have a ball”.
  That was such a long time ago and   Gang tour with when the “Things    They mark a series of collabrotive   Rock On!
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