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ROCKNATION ISSUE 16                                                                                                             PAGE 17

  turned into Arcade later, please  I remember the first rehearsal       big time producers,
  tell us about that.                 at Mates studios, Stephen gave  please give us the
  Bob: I got a call from Fred         me a ride home in his Porsche a  breakdown on making
  Coury from Cinderella to come       little old lady was driving to slow  them.
  out to LA to play with Stephen’s  in front of us and he actually       Bob: I got to work
  new band it was all in the begin- bumped her car and yelled at         with Nigel Dick (Guns
  ning stages it was called           her to get out of the way!! What  n’ Roses, Oasis,
  “Taboo” at the time Fred put me  a trip he is the coolest!! Need-      Hinder) we shot two
  up at the rock hotel “The Hyatt”  less to say it didn’t work out, so  videos on Atlantic
  on Sunset for a week.I moved        I flew back to NYC and started     records also a Ma-
  in with the new drummer from        my band Petro.                     laysian director Mo-
  Quiet Riot at the time Pat Ashby  Rocknation: How did you like         MoMoney he directed
  wow what a trip, they went          the scene in Hollywood back        my “Outta My Face”
  through all different lineups       then, hanging on the sunset        video for from my first
  before becoming “Arcade”.           strip? Did you hang out with       release he already
                                           many rock or movie stars?     had 2 top 10 videos
                                           Bob: The scene was amaz- on MTV/ASIA and he
                                           ing Pat and I were at the     got mine on there too.
                                           Rainbow bar every night the I am currently work-
                                           amount of women I had out  ing with Michael Stern he has          Tom Mathers for supporting my
                                           there was mind blowing we  directed my last 3 videos he is        band for all these years I love
                                           used to hang with             truly gifted and a great guy.       what you do with RockNation
                                           Blackie Lawless, and be-      Rocknation: Will you be making  and Perris Records and to all
                                           lieve it or not the Nelson    any videos for the new release? our fans worldwide we will
                                           brothers, Fred Coury from     Bob: Yes I will be shooting  a      definitely rock the new record
                                           Cinderella was a blast        new video with Michael Stern        if you are a fan of melodic rock
                                           funny as hell we hung out     he directed Julian Lennon’s new  and AOR you will love this
                                           with Tommy Lee and Ratt’s  video “Ruby Tuesday”.                  record. I also wrote a song “All
                                           first video shoot when they  Rocknation: Well Bob thank           American Boys” dedicated to
                                           were getting arrested we      you for taking time for this        our troops overseas since I have
                                           were on the set.              interview, any last words to the    a lot of my friends at our age
                                           Rocknation: You’ve re-        fans?                               have their sons and daughters
                                           leased a few videos with      Bob: I just wanted to Thank you  in the armed forces.



                                                                                                         Bob Dee with Petro finds an old single
                                                                                                          locked in their studio vault, the tape
                                                                                                           marked “Word” sparked interest in
                                                                                                           the band we put it on and the song
                                                                                                              rocked!! DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!!
                                                                                                         Download this single and purchass all
                                                                                                          PETRO CDs at this CD BABY  link below:

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