Page 12 - ISSUE 16
P. 12

PAGE 12                                                                                                        ROCKNATION ISSUE 16

   Here in the UK we had a pro-        Wrathchild: Steve has been a       started out in a punk rock band  wearing a ‘thong’, they were
   gramme called ‘Top of the Pops’     friend of ours since way before  together, they know what its like  all the rage back then, kept the
   and it was every Thursday. As       Grim Reaper. We had many par- to have their backs against the         razor thin back string must have
   kids we loved to wait up for this   ties together before even Wrath- wall. Fact is, Heavy Metal Re-       wedged itself right up between
   and see all of the bands that       child formed. He was back in the  cords fell out with ‘Wrathchild’    the cheeks of his arse! We never
   had sold records that week. The     UK around the time of ‘Delirium’, and with another cult UK band       found any booze either, so the
   show created a buzz and bands       I think the Reaper had split up,   ‘The Stone Roses’ who have         whole experience was of the ‘all
   sold singles as a result. Nobody    and so naturally we invited him  just reformed and who stand          pain but no gain’ variety!!
   seems to care much about week-      to come stay with us in Wales,     to make millions from a sold       Rocknation: Please name some
   ly sales anymore, we never hear     UK, where we were recording        out UK tour. You could say that    influences that gave Wrathchild
   about that sort of stuff.           and ‘fill out’ the vocal lines to   Heavy Metal Records look pretty  their style
   ‘STAKKATTAKKTWO’ could              some of the choruses. He has a  silly right now!                      Wrathchild: Phil (Wrathchild)
   have gone platinum by now, we       huge voice and range. Prior to     Rocknation: Please name some  loves all guitarists and is con-
   wouldn’t know!                      recording ‘STAKKATTAKKTWO’  of the bands you toured with in           stantly striving to perfect his
   Rocknation: Your 2nd release        we did a demo of ‘Sychophantic  Europe and who was the best to  ‘sound’. Marc loves ‘KISS’ most
   The Biz Suxx, in 1988. The          Suicide’ with him at his home      share the stage or on the road     of all but you can’t pin his song-
   album spawned a single              studio, which actually might       with.                              writing influences down. Eddie
   ‘Nukklear Rokket’ which had         have been better than the ver-     Wrathchild: We loved touring       (Star - drums) buys just about
   a promotional video that was        sion on the new album! He is a     with W.A.S.P. back in ’85. We      every CD ever recorded ‘cos
   produced by Bruce Dickinson         real cool guy to work with. Grim  probably pulled in as many          he’s a huge metal fan. Gaz
   of Iron Maiden. Bruce plays the     Reaper was a great band. Since  punter as them which is why we  (Psychowrath’ Harris - vocals) is
   protester in the video whilst the   then, Eddie (Star) our drum-       suddenly found ourselves to be  very quiet about his CD collec-
   performance was filmed in the       mer is now married to his then     on the road with them. It was      tion. Maybe we should raid his
   car park at his home in Chiswick.   former wife, which complicates  great when we pulled up outside  house and see what he gets off
   How did you hook up with Bruce      things a little...                 some venue to see a huddle of      on in his spare time!! As a band
   in producing this video?            Rocknation: RCA records            people around Chrissie Holmes  we all love huge choruses and
   Wrathchild: Marc bumped into        wanted to buy out your deal        and Randy Piper, only to wit-      creating a sound that can only
   Bruce at a club in London and       with Heavy Metal Records, do       ness them running to our tour      be experienced at a ‘Wrathchild’
   mentioned to him that the band      you feel the band would have       bus the instant we pulled up!      show. Otherwise, what is the
   was looking to do a promo to        exploded in the USA if that deal  At the Lyceum, London, all we       point in performing and creating
   ‘Nukklear Rokket’. Bruce was        would have happened?               could hear as we prepared for      music if you can hear it anyway
   starting up a video production      Wrathchild: We don’t dwell on      our show was ‘Trash Queen’         on any old record?
   company and agreed to put out       ‘what might have beens’. Fact is  being chanted out by hundreds  Rocknation: If you could tour
   the vid. Phil (Wrathchild) was      Heavy Metal Records were too       of fans gathered on the pave-      with any band in the USA who
   friends with Bruce way before       stupid to let the band go. I sus-  ment outside our dressing          would you pick and why?
   Bruce joined Iron Maiden (when      pect they have more sleepless      rooms. The worst thing about       Wrathchild: Ha! Marc would love
   he was singer with NWOBHM           nights over that than we do! Of  that tour was wandering into         to tour with ‘KISS’ of course.
   wannabe’s ‘Samson’ in fact) and     course Wrathchild could have       W.A.S.P.’s dressing room, in       That would be a great combina-
   so the deal was done. We had a      featured alongside all the Ameri- search of booze, only to be         tion. Phil would love to tour with
   great time shooting that vid’. It is   can greats of that period. Or we  confronted by Blackie Lawless’s  ‘The Who’ or a reformed ‘Led
   typical of Bruce, who is a huge     might have had our arses kicked  bare ass as he was bent over         Zeppelin’. Jimmy Page has been
   ‘slapstick’ and ‘Monty Python’      all the way back to ‘blighty’ –    trying to pull on his trade mark   an early influence. Eddie and
   fan, who came up with the script    who knows? Marc and Eddie          black leggings. Actually he was  Gaz would play with anyone so
   and who couldn’t resist appear-
   ing in the shoot (as the mad pro-
   fessor!). We never really under-
   stood his concept for ‘Nukklear
   Rokkit’ but turned up for the free
   beer anyways! On the whole,
   though, the best vid’ by far must
   be ‘Stakk Attakk’ which was shot
   by Channel Four’s ‘The Tube’.
   It was filmed, mid winter, in the
   Black Country Museum, near Bir-
   mingham, UK. It was so cold that
   the canal which runs through
   the museum grounds had frozen
   over and the main camera was
   set up in the middle of it which
   gives a unique overview of the
   stage set. The video could not
   have happened but for the frozen
   canal ! That vid’ was presumed
   lost but someone put it out on
   youtube and it still rokks!
   Rocknation: Your band’s third
   studio album ‘Delirium’ featured
   Grim Reaper’s Steve Grimmet
   on backing vocals. Please tell us
   about working with Steve in the
   studio and did you drink alot of
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