Page 7 - ISSUE 16
P. 7
Rocknation: Hello Markus, Rocknation: Who does
Christopher & Nasty of Dirty most of the writing in the
Passion, welcome to band?
Rocknation, and congrats on Christopher: We all write
your new CD Your band just songs. But mostly it starts
released your album ‘Dif- with a guitar riff that I re-
ferent Tomorrow’ on Perris cord in the studio and if it
Records. Please tell us about still sounds good the day
the recording and writing after we have something
process for this release. to work on. Then we add
Christopher: We wrote all of lyrics, melodies and start
the songs pretty much based jamming ideas
on the guitar. We had a lot of together.
demo songs out there al- Rocknation: You had a
ready, but we wanted to write successful tour in the
new songs, not just re-record USA with Loudness, any
the old ones. We’re all fans good road stories from
of glamrock/hair-metal and that?
wanted to record the album Markus: Tons of stories.
like they did in the 80’s to It’s always a trip when we
get that sound, so we did. hit the road. First of all
We recorded the album in a it was a blast seeing our
old analog studio. The album US-fans in real life, and
sounds like it was recorded not only on facebook.
somewhere inbetween 80-90, What we didn’t like was
so we got what we wanted. arriving to the US in the
middle of the Tornado- stage or on the road
season. Swedes as us, with.
are not used to that, so Christopher: We’ve
I specificly remember been sharing stage and
one sleepless night in supporting some really
Memphis, Tennesse when great bands! E.g.
we almost had to sleep Accept, Crashdiet, Y&T,
in shifts. Saxon, Faster
Rocknation: What future Pussycat, Enuff Z’Nuff.
shows or tours are lined Saxon was (to me) a
up? very special day! Biff
Markus: Our main target was wearing a Dirty
right now and for 2012 is Passion t-shirt on
to have a new album out, stage, and did a great
with brand new material, show. Everything that
but as always, we have day was just awesome
plans on touring. and it became a day to
Hopefully overseas too, remember.
but mainly in Europe I Rocknation: What can
think. It’s to early to someone expect to
reveal anything yet see at a Dirty Passion
though. show?
Rocknation: Your band Nasty: A hot sweaty no
has played over 100 con- holds barred rock ‘n’
certs, please name some roll show and lots and
of the bands you toured lots of really attractive
with in Europe and who fans!
was the best to share the (continued on page 8)