Page 4 - ISSUE 16
P. 4
Rocknation: Please name influences. Drummer Johan so many awesome
some influences that gave Häll is a huge Status Quo American bands and mu-
Hellspray their style. fan and prefers the early 70s sicians I’d like to meet too
Mattias: We try hard not to get rock. I grew up with the Beat- like Dream Theater, Sym-
stuck and just draw inspira- les, and then found out about phony X (with my favor-
tion from a particular band Black Sabbath and Ronnie ite singer Russell Allen!)
or genre. The members have James Dio. In the mid eighties Lamb of God is another
quite a mix of musical I was stunned by the new favorite, just to name a
generation of guitarists like few. Wait! Doing a tour
Yngwie J. Malmsteen and with Ozzy would be cool!
Joe Satriani. Rocknation: What plans
Rocknation: If you could do you have for 2012 for
tour with any band in the Hellspray?
USA who would you pick Mattias: We have begun to
and why? write some new songs and
Mattias: There are a lot of hopefully we going to start
great bands out there and recording in spring 2012.
there are a lot of talented We have some evil guitars
musicians I’d like to meet. from the darkness in store
Sadly it is no longer possi- for you!
ble, but personally I would Anders: On the 1st of
really have liked to meet January we’ll also have
Mr. Ronnie James Dio. He the digital release of the to the fans?
seemed like a genuinely new album. If you can’t Hellspray: Thank you for having
decent guy and I admire his wait that long you can buy us! Don’t forget to visit our
work a great deal. the album at website: and
Anders: It’s really hard to or “like” us on Facebook to get the
pick just one, but doing at at the other record stores. latest news. We hope to meet
tour with Iron Maiden in the Rocknation: Thank you for you Hellheads out there! May
USA would definitely be a taking time for this the spray from hell be by your
dream come true. There are interview and last words side!
For fans of
Dio and
Black Sabbath.
For more information visit:
“Part of the Solution” CD
Catalog # PER3832 UPC Barcode 670573038320