Page 3 - ISSUE 16
P. 3
we had a great
time back-
stage eating
drinking beer
and talking
about music
and other
stuff. Really
musicians and
cool, humble
lads! Hope to
see all of them
What can
expect to see
at a Hellspray
Mattias: Hell-
spray always
give their best
on stage and
delivers a
range of kick
ass metal
songs in a
rapid pace.
There is not
a lot of time
to catch your
breath i.e. no
power ballads
helps to put the song togeth- rience. ally hungry for some rock, so in sight. It’s really important to
er. Other times I bring a song Mattias: The gig was awe- we got an awesome response! have a good time on stage and
that is almost finished as far some! Hellspray were the It was a crazy day and a mem- it’s our goal to give the fans
as the musical parts like intro, first band to play and kick- ory for life. Hope to do it all the adrenaline rush every time.
verses and choruses goes. started the entire festival. again soon! We have also incorporated a
Sometimes some usable Anders: And it was a crazy Rocknation: What future song in the show as a tribute
keywords for the chorus experience just to get there. shows or tours are lined up? to one of our favorite metal
lyrics and rough melodies A guy named Holger Mord- Nilo: At the moment we’re bands.
can be included. Anders horst contacted us and doing some gigs around Rocknation: What songs have
writes most of the lyrics and asked if we could meet up Sweden to promote the new you or will be shooting videos
vocal melodies but the rest to do a video interview for record. We’re planning to for?
of the band participates and right before throw a stunning release Nilo: We have talked about
contributes to the final song. the show. We had a 160 mile party soon where we going to doing a video for the song
Rocknation: Your band drive to get there and plan- invite people in the business “Artificial love”. We have some
played one of the biggest ning isn’t our strong side. and some kick-ass journalists ideas for the set up and we
Europe festivals SWEDEN When we finally hit the road to catch some major tabloid have contacted a video
ROCK FESTIVAL, I attended we had time to catch up and coverage. producer who’s gonna help us
one a few years ago. There everything that could go Rocknation: Please name to get it as we want it.
were 5 stages 40,000 + fans. wrong, did. We took wrong some of the bands you played (continued on page 4)
Please tell us about that expe- turns, got pulled over by the with in Europe and who was
police and had the best to
to do an emer- share the
gency stop stage with.
at the liquor Anders:
store …it was a We’ve
road trip from played with
hell I tell you. the legend-
We got to the ary Blitz-
interview sat krieg (the
there; tried to ones that
look cool and also wrote
relaxed, then the song
ran right up to “Blitzkrieg”
the stage and made
did our thing. famous by
Like Mattias Metallica)
said we were at a rock
first off and club. After
people were re- our shows