Page 16 - ISSUE 16
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PAGE 16                                                                                                        ROCKNATION ISSUE 16
                                                                                                             Barbara Streisand and Ringo
                                                                                                             Starr) please tell us about that
                                                                                                             experiance working with Eric
                                                                                                             and your new music.
                                                                                                             Bob: Eric and I have been talk-
                                                                                                             ing for a long time about record-
                                                                                                             ing together. I have always been
                                                                                                             a fan of his guitar sounds. We
                                                                                                             basically recorded all tracks at
                                                                                                             “The End” studio which is new.
                                                                                                             I  have to give props to Brian
                                                                                                             Bauers he is amazing he has
                                                                                                             been with me from the first
                                                                                                             record “Bullets and Bandaids”
                                                                                                             distributed by Perris Records.
                                                                                                             He engineered, played bass
                                                                                                             keys and back-up vocals. I
                                                                                                             wrote all the songs vocals and
                                                                                                             played all guitars, also Scott
                                                                                                             Campbell on drums and guitarist
                                                                                                             TJ Jordan for solos. We sent the
                                                                                                             tracks to Eric Greedy in Los
                                                                                                             Angeles and he just mixed our
                                                                                                             first single “Lips That Heal” he
                                                                                                             did an amazing job, the song
    Interview with Duff McKagan                                                                              kicks ass.
                                                                                                             Rocknation: You just got back
    By: Jeffrey Easton                                                                                       from Paris and London. You
                                                                                                             had a meeting with HorizonVU
     DIRTY PASSION                                                                                           Music a promotion company in
                                                                                                             Paris that will be working the
                                                                                                             new Petro CD. What will they be
                                                                                                             doing for you?
                                                                                                             Bob: Phillip Cartwright head
                                                                                                             of Horizonvu Group in Paris,
                                                                                                             contacted me about a year ago
                                                                                                             about becoming one of his first
                                                                                                             charter members with his
                                                                                                             company. He is a great guy, very
                                                                                                             talented at what he does, he
                                                                                                             wants to promote our new CD
                                                                                                             throughout Europe and
                                                                                                             worldwide. I can’t wait to work
                                                                                                             with him!
                                                                                                             Rocknation: In the past you
                                                                                                             had a huge 6 figure RCA deal
                                                                                                             with the band “Beg Borrow &
                                                                                                             Steel”. You had Desmond Child
                                                                                                             (Bon Jovi, Aerosmith) co-write
                                                                                                             a song for that, please tell us
                                                                                                             about that band.
                                                                                                             Bob: The RCA deal was crazy
                                                                                                             a lot of money, we were signed
                                                                                                             personally by Joe Galante.  We
                                                                                                             first recorded with producer
                                                                                                             David Prater (Firehouse) and
                                                                                                             then Sir Arthur Payson. I also
                                                                                                             co-wrote the single “A Simple
                                                                                                             Heart” with Desmond Child we
                                                                                                             started out as a two guitar army
                                                                                                             a lot like Aerosmith with a chick
                                                                                                             singer, but RCA turned us into
                                                                                                             Heart. I wrote all songs with
                                                                                                             the girl. The other guitar player
                                                                                                             was Jack Johnson he played on
                                                                                                             Alice Cooper’s single “Poison”
                                                                                                             and on bass guitar we had Jack
    PETRO                                                                 Rocknation:  Hello Bob and         We also signed a six figure pub-
                                                                                                             Daley from Lenny Kravitz band.
                                                                                                             lishing deal with Famous Music
                                                                          welcome to Rocknation. I
                                                                                                             the same year.
                                                                          see you’re in a Brooklyn, NY
                                                                          studio called “The End” with
                                                                                                             Rocknation: You also flew
                         Interview by Tom Mathers                         producer Eric Greedy (credits  out to L.A. right after Stephen
                                                                          include Hurt, Destiny’s Child,  Pearcy quit RATT to form a
                                                                          Smashing Pumpkins,                 band that was called Taboo that
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