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ROCKNATION ISSUE 19                                                                                                             PAGE 15

    Rocknation: Hello David Agüera from               Rocknation: On September 22, 2012  your band
    HARDREAMS and welcome to Rocknation.              performed with Alien and Perris Recording artist
    You just released your album “Unbroken            Chasing Violets in Madrid. Please tell us about
    Promises” on Perris Records. Please tell us       that show.
    about the recording process for this release.     David: It was really amazing, we had a very nice
    David: Hello, well...first of all I have to say   time together. The place was crowded and the
    that we are very proud with this album            sound was fantastic.Chasing Violets and Alien
    and we think that this is the best album we       did a great show and we think that this was one
    have ever recorded.The album has been             of the best shows we have ever performed. After
    recorded,mixed and mastered by the pro-           the show we had the opportunity to speak with
    ducer Tomi Perez with whom we have worked  Alien, Chasing Violets and their great musicians
    on previous albums and he knows very well         such as Frederic Slama, Alessandro and
    the sound we want.Unlike previous albums,         Del Vecchio
    rhythm guitars,bass and drums were                Rocknation: Please name some bands you have
    recorded at the same time, playing together       appeared with in Europe.
    and so getting a special feeling in an            David: We have shared stage with bands such
    amazing studio called “Grabaciones                as Firehouse,Bad Habit,Pride of Lions, Danny
    Silvestres” in Barcelona. The rest of the         Vaughn(Tyketto), Bob Catley (Magnum), Eric
    album was recorded mixed and mastered at          Martin (Mr Big), Jimi Jamison (Survivor),
    Boo Boo´s music studio also in Barcelona.         L.A. Guns, Edguy, Alien and Chasing Violets.
    Rocknation: What was some of the                  Rocknation: Your band has been described as
    influences and writing process for this           melodic hard rock. Please name bands or
    “Unbroken Promises” release?                      artist that influenced you.
    David: Our influences are the same, the rock      David: We have different influences such
    bands of the eighties but each of us has their  as Whitesnake, Dokken, Survivor, Journey,
    own influences and we also get some               Magnum, Europe, Mr Big, Van Halen and
    influences from some heavy metal and              Queensrÿche.
    progressive rock bands. This is what makes        Rocknation: What is some of the music you
    us sound with a personal style, regarding the  listen to now?
    writing process, we always work in the same       David: We listen to Hard Rock and A.O.R bands
    way but over the years every member of the        and I personally also like Jazz and guitarists
    band has evolved and we have managed to           such as Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and Vinnie Moore.
    improve in every album.                           Rocknation:  Any funny stories or encounters
    Rocknation: “Unbroken Promises” is your           you had from fans at shows you can tell us
    third studio album. How is the press and fan      about?
    response compared to the last two releases        David: We just can say that there are fans that
    “Calling Everywhere” and “The Road Goes           follow us to other cities and it make us feel very
    On...”?                                           happy when we see their faces between the
    David: We are getting very good reviews from  public from the stage and I remember when we
    all over the world, better than the last two      played in Madrid with Bad Habit there was a
    albums, and fans are very glad with this new      Korean guy that told  us that Bad Habit and us
    work. We actually see that these new songs        were his favourite bands so he came from Korea
    have a greater effect on the public in our        just for the show. That was awesome!
    shows.                                            Rocknation: What plans do you have for 2013?
    Rocknation: You live in Barcelona, Spain.         David: We would like to visit all possible cities
    What is the music scene like there?               and if we have the opportunity we do would
    David: We all know that music scene is not        really like go abroad to show our energetic
    very good in general and Barcelona is a           show of Hard Rock.
    difficult city for melodic rock, but I also have   Rocknation: Thank you for taking time for this
    to say that there is a great underground          interview and last words to the fans?
    scene with great musicians. Mass media            David: Thanks to you and I would like to invite
    don´t help,... we hope this will change           the fans to listen to our new album because we
    someday.                                          are sure they will enjoy it!
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