Page 19 - ISSUE 19
P. 19
Rocknation: Hello The Prowlers and welcome as a Heavy/Power Metal Band. Please name
to Rocknation. You just released your album bands or artist that influenced you.
“Point of No Return” produced by Tommy Dr. K: We all participate actively on songwriting,
Hansen (Helloween, D.A.D., Pretty Maids, Point of no Return includes songs written by
Circus Maximuson) on Perris Records. myself (Dr. K - Drums) but also by Alex (Bass),
Please tell us about the recording and writing Robin (Guitars) and Max (Keys). We have
process for this release. different influences which go from NWOBHM
Dr. K: Hello Tom and hello to all the (Iron Maiden, Judas Priest) to Power (Hellow-
Rocknation readers! It has been the third een, Gamma Ray, Stratovarius and Sonata Arc-
time that we went to the JAilhouse Studios tica) to Prog (Dream Theater and Symphony X).
for mixing and mastering of our Album, the Rocknation: Please name some bands you have
first time was for our second album “Devil’s appeared with in Europe.
Bridge” and the second for “Re-Evolution”. Dr. K: In 2009 we went on European tour with
We love the way Tommy Hansen works, his Zak Stevens Circle II Circle, then we played on
taste fits perfectly to our sound and he’s festivals with Sepultura, Keep of Kalessin,
quite fast, consider that he has mixed the Primal Fear and White Lion.
Album (12 songs!) in just one week!! We’ve Rocknation: Please tell us does the band like to
been working to new songs since 2010. tour? What does the band like and dislike about
During that period we’ve faced some line-up touring?
change that made us loose a bit of time, but Dr. K: Of course we like! The most beautiful
gain in quality, since our new guitar player thing on touring is to get in touch directly with
was very skilled and contributed to rise our metal heads from different countries, see their
songwriting capacities. We started record- faces while we play our music, have a direct
ing during 2011 half and mixed the album on confirmation that the audience likes or dislikes
early 2012. After the release of the Master CD our songs! Probably the hardest thing of a tour
we struggled a lot to find a Label to produce is the distance from our families, but at the
the Album. Unfortunately the bad period that end it’s just for few weeks, so it’s a sustainable
music business is facing makes everything “sacrifice”.
harder, after almost one year of searching, Rocknation: Any funny stories or encounters
we’ve been lucky to find Perris Records you had while on tour you can tell us about?
and I’m sure they won’t regret to gave us a Dr. K: We had an incredible adventure in
chance. Germany: while traveling with our camper from
Rocknation: You live in Rome, Italy. What is Copenhagen to Hamburg we had a flat tire! We
the music scene like there? tried to replace it with the spare one but the
Dr. K: Well, Rome is full of Rock, Hard Rock tire’s rim was practically welded to the camper
and Heavy Metal Bands! Most of them are axis, impossible to remove... Time was running
very good and some of them are quite known fast and we had a gig that evening in Hamburg,
worldwide. But problems that these bands so we called a tow truck. After more or less one
face are mostly 2: 1. people are lazy and hour the truck arrived and loaded up the camp-
ignorant and don’t go to see young bands er (and us), of course the driver didn’t speak
when they play their music live (we also have English, but the problem was clear, so he drove
quite nice venues here) they just move their us through the German country to a
asses to see Metallica, Dream Theater or Iron warehouse… We thought “ok…we are lost…
Maiden and, even worst, tribute bands!! we’ll never arrive to Hamburg on time!” The
2. Location: unfortunately Rome is far from mechanical used a very big hammer to remove
center Europe, it’s hard to go and play gigs the tire, but at the end he did a good job, so
outside Italy if you have to travel min. 400 we arrived in Hamburg just in time to park the
miles by car... camper, enter inside the venue and start to play!
Rocknation: Your band has been described (cont. on page 20)